首页the battle at lake 长今CHAPTER FOURTEEN


        NIGood beside Aslan, on    side, and looked the open    doorway.

        t. On t you could    not old t you o a ars began. But    on    t t is, tcars: and tc of all giants. to    anding.    be on t stretco the    River Shribble.

        tace remembered    giant asleep aold t ime, and t he world ended.

        "Yes," said Aslan, t spoken. "ime. No he is awake he will have a new one.”

        t giant raised a o    tars. After t - quite a bit later,    because sound travels so sloerrible, yet of a    strange, deadly beauty.

        Immediately ting stars. Even one sing star    is a fio see; but till it        on and on. And o t t ts. It    place, rig call it.

        "Per is a cloud," t Edmund. At any rate, tars    t blaess. But all around, tars    on. And tarless patch

        began to gro from tre of tly a quarter of t last ting stars he horizon.

        iterror in it too) t    all: it iness. t of t in . All tars were falling: Aslan hem home.

        t fears e ended ing. Stars began falling all round t stars in t    t    flaming globes t one). So n people, all e- metal, ruso t of ter to tars glided past tood someo t.

        t advantage, because ot tars    in tely dark and you could    ars be a fierce, . Every bus every blade of grass s black s. tood out so s youd t your    finger on it.

        On t t thing was    Aslans shadow.

        It streamed ao t, enormous aerrible. And all t arless forever.

        t from betle to t) rong t    it lit up even to Narnia: great dragons and giant lizards and    feats o tes t first from very far off - sounds of    ion, a rustling and a pattering and a sound of     came nearer and nearer. Soon one could distinguistle feet from t little     ones. And t last, out of trees, rag up tures - talkis, Dyrs, Fauns, Giants, enes, men    from Arge ue islands    of tern lands. And all to tood.

        t of ture    time and rato remember properly after    say    aken. Sometimes it seemed to ed only a fees, but at    ot felt as if it mighe Door had    grown very

        mucures s, a cro couldnt ever ried to get t. But no o about t    sort of t time.

        tures came ruser and brigo tanding Stars. But as t up to Aslan one or    oto eacraig    t t. And     t, on talking Bears, tred lasted only for a fra of a sed. You could see t to talkis. t ordinary animals. And all tures    o t, , and disappeared into    reamed ao t of t kno te time. And all t t. tace even reized one of to s t ime to    t sort of    t    everyt    of his head.

        Among tures    taur and    Je the Dwarf.

        "Furt; cried Roon and to    t.

        And t uand    tingling    all over.

        ted at t going to mutter t    ill didnt uand, rees beo trees as fast as , found sometood very well.

        But tails, and Poggin remained, s face. Aion again to he Doorway.

        t Lizards no to    and fro tearing up trees by ts and cicks of rhubarb.

        Minute by mis disappeared. try became bare and    you could see all sorts of t its stle iced before. tirian found t    a    aons t lay ime    everytill.

        At last somete - a long, level line of    gleamed in    t of tanding stars - came moving toern end of the    world.

        A    a murmur t it     came. It er. t tree-less    very    ting ting larger, and separate    lakes joining into one, and valleys turning into neo islands,    and to t and tains to t crumbled and slipped doo ting er;    and ter came so t never    passed it) so t t Aslans forefeet. All noer from    o    the sky.

        And out t began to grorous    daer, till in ticed t of tars    t did, t one anottle nod: t    this sun    also was dying.

        It imes - ty times - as big as it ougo be, and very dark    red. As its rays fell upon t time-giant, urned red too: and in tion of    t sun te of sers looked like blood.

        te in ion, very close to t t of ing out great    flames, like rying to draacles. And per any rate so    first, but till at last oget lumps of fire came dropping out of it into team rose up.

        t;Now make an end.”

        t to trete arm - very    black it looked, and till ook t in antly total darkness.

        Everyone except Aslan jumped back from ts edges h icicles.

        "Peter, ; said Aslan. "S the Door.”

        Peter, s into to. It scraped over ice as . t moment    ook out a golden key and locked it.

        tra Door it rao look round and find t, t t, and laughter in Aslans eyes.

        urned sly round, croucail and    s away like a golden arrow.

        "e furt; ed over     pace? t out o follow him.

        "So," said Peter, "nig, Lucy! Youre n?    ith Aslan ahead, and all of us here?”

        "Dont try to stop me, Peter," said Lucy, "I am sure Aslan . I am    sure it is not o mourn for Narnia. t lies dead and frozen be door.”

        "Yes and I did ; said Jill, "t it mig. I did t.”

        "I sa begin," said t;I did not to    see it die.”

        "Sirs," said tirian. "to    Narnia    ue,    but great discourtesy, if    mourn.”

        till sat    croogetable. And as t talked to one    anot old    Kings and all the glories of Narnia.

        till ion but not mucoo busy rag on ao sniff    at smells in till t    e tarted arguing about it - "Yes    it is - No it isnt - ts just    is - take yreat     of t someone else smell.”

        " is it, cousins?" said Peter.

        "A ene, Sire," said several Dogs at once.

        "Lead on to ; said Peter. "s us in peace or war,    he shall be wele.”

        ted on a later, running as if t, and barking loudly to say t it really alking Dogs,

        just like t    t immensely important.)

        tting under a ut tree beside a clear stream of er. It     ond bowed gravely.

        "Sir," o Peter, "I kno    my o    one of ts said    t a noble friend is t gift and a noble e best?”

        "Sir," said Peter, "I do not kno tween you    and us.”

        "Do tell us ; said Jill.

        "If to be a story, lets all    do;    barked the Dogs.

        "ere quite blown.”

        "ell of course you earing about t; said Eustace.

        So t do of tream t ding, ongues    of ttle on one side to ory. But Jeanding, polis his side.