首页we are sailing-6


        o myself I e lig among tals, not yet. I ill, as ever, on t plexities. I , no endurable resting place. t be an end of it.

        In t mirror, ood opposite me.    appear to be very flouris    t t t er.    laugerrors for s, given a feurity. I looked for a long time at ill kne resemblao teen aken off o    uries older sieel    and discussed Kris learning.    doorcars, and slept ered Mozart and Goetime as iys disguise, t ill. And suppose    ty cill . On then, old harry, old weary loon.

        Bater taste of life! I spat at o splinters. I     so many glo one noer. as not to a masked ball? ogetill to be done. ed me. A strange marriage it o be, and a sorro    bore me on, drearily bore me on, a slave, a wolf-man. Bahe devil!

        I stopped at t door. So far ed yout!

        I ope.    I saiful picture. On a rug on tiful iful Pablo, side by side in a sleep of deep exion after loves play. Beautiful, beautiful figures, lovely pictures,    breast iful, gleamio t. t over e and delicate skin. I le differently. As it . I only cctle moment in pain and deep    occurred to me. t I o s    t again of turned a little to one side, and from    to    I sae s seemed t it     remember. till.

        For long I looked at    last I uro go. tretcretc, ake anyturned over a er of t so t t silently out of tayed te fore ttle parted. s delicate perfume and t glimmered ttle shell-like ear.

        ared and did not kno all ,    o it? I ked mouttle aring mouttle red upon a mask of death.

        And from te se arms, t a s riness and desolation, a slo of all life? as it th and space breaking in?

        itared at tony broark    streamed from t it iful, it rang, it vibrated. It was music!

        I once felt t at time a joy?    I once caug and tals.

        Verses came into my    I had one upon somewhere:

        e above you ever more residing

        In tar translumined ice

        Know nor day nimes dividing,

        ear ne nor sex as our device.

        Cool and unal being,

        Cool and star brigernal laughter.

        t. I did n glance, for    pigtail, knee breecook a seat close beside me, and I    of    .    tus and some instruments t stood beside ook it very seriously, tig, and I looked     and nimble fingers and    in admiration of iful and skillful oo, by ttle appre ually doing and of     ed, I took no ever.

        I soon found,     it in going order, and no;Munico Grosso in F Major by ;

        And in fact, to my indescribable astonis and in trumpet spat out,    more ado, a mixture of bronoise t o, tline of t divine music. I could distinguisic structure and trings.

        "My God," I cried in ;? Do you really mean to inflict triump victorious ermination against art? Must t?"

        a cold and eerie laug    everyttered by it. orment isfa teo tin trumpet. Laugill,    torted, t and on; and laugill, he replied:

        "Please, no patardando? An inspiration, eolerant maardando toucride like gods. Aion of old rate your restless    and give it peace. Just listen, you poor creature, listeid ridiculous apparatus ttention and you ly does t stupid, t useless and t damakes    distin, stupid and coarse, lamentably distorted, to boot, and to space to land    after all t ot destroy t of t    only demonstrate its oen, ten ill divine; you     admirable symbol of all life. en to radio you are a ness of ting ime aernity, betly, my dear sir, as ten miogets t lovely music    regard into t impossible places, into respectable dratid into t of ctering, guzzling, yaeners, aly as it strips ts sensuous beauty, spoils and scratd yet ot altogetroy its spirit, just so does life, ty, deal ure-play of t. It makes its uizing tone—slime of t magic orcral music. Everyrudes its mecs activity, its dreary exigencies and vanity bet it be so; and, if    asses, laug it. It little bees people like you to be critics of radio or of life eitter learn to listen first! Learn o be taken seriously and laug t. Or is it t you ter yourself, more nobly and fitly aaste? O. You ful ory of disease out of your life, and a misfortune of yifts. And you ter use for so pretty, so eng a young lady to stick a ko r;

        &qu; I cried in despair. "No! My God, everytupid and , Mozart, a stupid, angry beast, sid rotten. t a times. But as for t was ;

        Mozart lauger. But    kio turn off the radio.

        My self-extenuation sounded uedly and to me .    suddenly occurred to me, spoken about time aernity, I o take s as a refle of my o t, ion and    influenced by me I aken as a matter of course. But ed t ural t, but even guessed it in advance. Per    at t er.

        "; said ;youre a great joker. iful girl really noto desire of you but tab of a knife? Keep t for someone else! ell, at least you abbed one dead. And no to realize try to;

        "No," I cried. "Dont you uand at all? I evade to pay and pay and pay for to lay my y of anniion."

        Mozart looked at me olerable mockery.

        "ic you al you raio learn it. You are ready? Good. to tor aake its course ill your    break of da?"

        Instantly a notice flashed before my eyes:


        and I sented ood in a bare yard enclosed by four lemen ts and goed guillotine. My    racted    I . At tepped for t door removed    and all tlemen cleared ts.    and    before :

        "Gentlemen, tands before you y of ter.    alone insulted ty of art in t iful picture gallery y and stabbed to deation of a girl ion of a knife; ion displayed tention of using our ter as a meco eternal life and o enter our ter. ty also of being laug of court may not be remitted. Gentlemen, all toget;

        On t;t; all o one simultaneous peal of lauger in full cful laug is scarcely to be borne by the ears of men.

        o myself again, Mozart ting beside me as before. ;You ence. So, you see, you o listen to more of tll do you good. You are unonly poor in gifts, a poor block by degrees you o grasp o learn to laug    appres gallo o stab girls to deato be executed y. You , to mortify and sce yourself for turies toget you?"

        "O," I cried in my misery.

        "Of course! s a question of anytupid and patid devoid of , youre tragedian. ell, I am not. I dont care a fig for all your romantics of ato. You ed to be executed and to ic! For ten times over. You are o die, you ot to live. t you s    of penalties."

        "O    be?"

        "e migore to life again and marry you to ;

        "No, I s be ready for t. It would bring un;

        "As if t enoug is time to e to your senses. You are to live and to learn to laugo learn to listen to to revere be and to laug its distortions. So t be asked of you."

        Gently from beeet;And if I do not submit? And if I deny y, to interfere eppeno meddle in iny?"

        "t; said Mozart calmly, "I se you to smoke anottes." And as te from coat pocket and offered it me,    no longer. It    me out of ic eyes and as like taugo play ctle figures as a twin.

        "Pablo!" I cried art. "Pablo, w;

        "e are in my Magic ter," ;and if you ime to learn tango or to be a general or to alk , it is al your service. But Im bound to say, ed me a little. You fot yourself badly. You broke ttle ter and tried to make a mess of it, stabbing tering our pretty picture-y. t    pretty of you. I    least, you did it from jealousy ely, you did not knoo do    you ter. ell, you ter ime."

        ook    once so toy figure and put coat pocket from te.

        Its s and    aroma. I felt ed, and ready to sleep for a whole year.

        I uood it all. I uood Pablo. I uood Mozart, and some. A glimpse of its meaning irred my reason and I ermio begin ts tortures once more and s its senselessness. I raverse not once more, but often, the hell of my inner being.

        One day I ter    to lauging for me, and Mozart too.